Tuesday, April 13, 2010

3 Things to do if you encounter a bear

1. Pull out your cell phone:
"Excuse me, I gotta take this."
This will quickly make the bear feel less significant. The bear will also
think ripping your face apart to be rather inconsiderate, especially
if you are trying to have a meaningful conversation.

2. Put your clothes on backwards:
Bears will have a very hard time attacking you if they can't tell which
direction you are actually facing. The bear will eventually leave the
area and ponder what just happened. In extreme cases, the bear
will even die of confusion.

3. Whip out a survey:
"Would you be interested in filling out this brief
survey? It's for a good cause"
No one on this planet wants to fill out a survey. Bears will quickly
try to leave the area to avoid further confrontation. Tell them it's
for a good cause and they'll even feel bad doing so. They will also
be quickly embarrassed when they realize they don't know how to
use a pen.

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